A magazine

Royal College of Art

A magazine for Alumni of the Royal College of Art

‘A’ is the Royal College of Art's first ever alumni magazine. A is a magazine that uniquely celebrates it's alumni's diverse talents across the fields of art, design, critical writing and curating, the magazine reflects and celebrates this pool of talent — A magazine written by RCA alumni, staff and students. A magazine designed by RCA alumni. A magazine with photographic and illustration commissions by RCA alumni and current students.

Fieldwork Facility helped set up the magazine, we named the title and went on to design Issue 1 (Spring 2015) and Issue 2 (Spring 2016). Issue 2 had a cover designed by renowned pop-artist Derek Boshier.

  • communication: Editorial Design, Naming, Identity
Illustration: Nicholas Ménard
Illustration: Marcus Armitage
Photography: Robin Friend
Woodcut: Giulia Garbin
Illustration: Dave Prosser
Illustration: Johnny Kelly
Issue 1
Illustration: Yeni Kim
Portrait: Coco Capitan

We had the pleasure of commissioning and working with some lovely RCA students and alumni for the magazines illustration and photography:

Issue 2: Marcus Armitage, Derek Boshier, Robin Friend, Giuila Garbin,
Johnny Kelly, Nicholas Ménard, Dave Prosser, Nadine Shaban

Issue 1: Coco Capitan, Yeni Kim, Maria Gul, Patrick Morgan